@article{popelier_bridging_2022, title = {Bridging the gap between facts and norms: mutual trust, the {European} {Arrest} {Warrant} and the rule of law in an interdisciplinary context}, volume = {27}, issn = {1351-5993, 1468-0386}, shorttitle = {Bridging the gap between facts and norms}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eulj.12436}, doi = {10.1111/eulj.12436}, language = {en}, number = {1-3}, urldate = {2022-11-07}, journal = {European Law Journal}, author = {Popelier, Patricia and Gentile, Giulia and van Zimmeren, Esther}, month = jun, year = {2022}, pages = {167--184}, }