TiGRE advisory board

The TiGRE External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) is composed of leading representatives of international public and private organisations.

The EEAB ensures strategic advice on the adequacy of the TiGRE activities and approaches to the needs of stakeholders and public administration practitioners. Our external advisors also support a well-targeted dissemination and exploitation of the TiGRE outcomes.

Policy Analyst and Coordinator of OECD Network
of Economic Regulators (NER)

Martha Baxter is a Policy Analyst at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) within the Regulatory Policy Division where she leads the organisation’s work with economic regulators. As part of this work, she manages the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and has carried out a number performance assessment reviews of regulatory authorities. Bringing together regulators across sectors and countries, the NER produces analysis and guidance on cross-cutting issues such as governance, independence and performance of regulators, the use of behavioural insights and challenges linked to emerging technologies, market transformation and evolving policy objectives such as the decarbonisation agenda. Previously at the OECD, Martha held positions at the Development Centre where she worked with countries on designing sustainable economic and social development strategies. Martha has a BA from Oxford University and a MSc. from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

As all TiGRE partners, Martha Baxter strives to facilitate the well-functioning and evolution of regulatory governance and aims to foster cooperation among European, national and regional stakeholders.

In the capacity of TiGRE external advisor, Martha Baxter will regularly provide advice on regulatory policy issues, during Consortium Meetings or other occasions.

Head of Division for the Institutional Legal and Supervisory Control of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

Dr. Dominik Böllhoff is the Head of Division for the Institutional Legal and Supervisory Control of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in the Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany, involved in the financial supervision for the banking, securities and insurance sectors. Previously, Dr. Böllhoff was Head of the Secretariat of the National Regulatory Control Council at the Federal Chancellery and project manager for the development and introduction of the single authority emergency number 115 in the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Germany.

Dr. Böllhoff shares the same vision as TiGRE partners in (i) facilitating the well-functioning and evolution of regulatory governance, (ii) fostering cooperation among European, national and regional stakeholders and (iii) disseminating to the stakeholders and to the general public.

The TiGRE partners will benefit from Dr. Böllhoff’s expertise in the financial area and from his experience in governance and public administration with a focus on financial supervision. He will actively support the TiGRE research activities, for example through participation in Consortium Meetings, as well as the dissemination of the findings and highlights of the project.

Member of the Academy of Athens - Political Science

Prof. Nikiforos Diamandouros, Emeritus Professor of comparative politics at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Athens, is member of the Academy of Athens in Political Science since 2014. Since 2012, he is a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges). From 2003 to 2013, Prof. Diamandouros was the European Ombudsman to promote good administration at the EU level. In 2016, he was appointed member of the Advisory Committee to the New Pact for Europe, which aims to foster a wider public debate on the EU’s future at both European and national level.

Prof. Diamandouros shares the same vision as TiGRE partners in (i) improving the quality of regulatory governance in Europe, (ii) enhancing trust in rule-making bodies and (iii) ensuring virtuous relations between regulators and their stakeholders.

The TiGRE partners will benefit from Prof. Diamandouros’ experience in non-legal remedies to conflicts in regulation. He will contribute to the design of trust-building measures and facilitate contacts at the European level.

Senior Fellow at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Herbert Samuel Professor of Political Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emeritus) and senior fellow at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Prof. Itzhak Galnoor has been a Visiting Professor in many international universities. He served on the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association, and edited its Advances in Political Science, Cambridge University Press and IPSA book series. In 1994–96, Prof. Galnoor was Head of the Civil Service Commission, which is responsible for the management of civil servants and of standards of government ministries. He served on the Israel Science Foundation's Executive Committee and on the Governing Board of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2007-2008, he was the Deputy Chair of the Israeli Council of Higher Education. In 2015 he was awarded the Life Achievement Prize by the Association of Israel Studies (AIS).

As all TiGRE partners, Prof. Galnoor thinks that trust is important for effective and legitimate public policy and that it is crucial to involve practitioners and academics especially in the field of public policy.

The TiGRE partners will benefit from Prof. Galnoor’s expertise in the politics of bureaucracy. He will actively support the TiGRE activities, for example through participation in Consortium Meetings, and provide feedback and advice on research progress and directions. He will also help to disseminate the results and highlights of the TiGRE project.

Centre of Public Law at the University of Lausanne

Prof. Vincent Martenet is Professor of public law at the Centre of Public Law, one of the institutes of the School of Law at the University of Lausanne, involved in graduate and postgraduate education, training and research in the context of general and special public law. Prof. Martenet is also former chair of the Swiss Competition Commission, an independent federal authority responsible for applying the Cartel Act which provides regulatory instruments for the protection of competition in market economy.

Prof. Martenet and TiGRE partners share the same goal to optimize trust relationships within regulatory regimes in Europe in order to improve the quality of regulatory governance.

The TiGRE partners will benefit from Prof. Martenet’s experience of managing potential jurisdictional conflicts in regulation. He will contribute to the design of trust-building measures and act as a door-opener to some Swiss respondents (namely sectoral regulators).

Senior Policy Advisor and Coordinator of OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER)

Anna Pietikainen is Senior Policy Advisor in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) where she works on a number of regulatory policy issues and leads the organisation’s work with economic regulators globally. As part of this work, she manages the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and has carried out a number performance assessment reviews of regulatory authorities. Bringing together regulators across sectors and countries, the NER produces analysis and guidance on cross cutting issues such as governance, independence and performance of regulators, the use of behavioural insights and challenges linked to emerging technologies and market transformation.
Previously at the OECD, Anna held positions at the Development Centre and the Sahel West Africa Club. Prior to joining the OECD, she spent five years with a specialised agency of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). As Country Programme Manager, she provided support and advice to governments in Latin America and the Caribbean on the development and management of national rural development programmes.

As all TiGRE partners, Anna Pietikainen strives to facilitate the well-functioning and evolution of regulatory governance and aims to foster cooperation among European, national and regional stakeholders.

In the capacity of TiGRE external advisor, Anna Pietikainen will regularly provide advice on regulatory policy issues, during Consortium Meetings or other occasions.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870722 (TiGRE).